Monday, 1 September 2008

Eliminate Vancouver (and Edmonton) From WIL

Lewiston Asks Removal of Caps, Esks From WIL
LEWISTON, Sept. 17—Directors of the Lewiston Broncs of the Western International League Thursday passed a resolution aimed at cutting Vancouver and Edmonton from the league circuit next season.
They gave no reasons for the proposal, heard as business manager Tom Tabor handed in his resignation and President James B. McMonigle indicated he would quit office as son as matters were cleared up for the season.
At the lengthy meeting, the directors drew up a program of changes which they feel must be made if the financially-sick WIL is to survive. (The league is scheduled to meet in Seattle Sept. 26).
The changes included:
1. Retention of Class A baseball in the league.
2. Limit on player experience with restrictions on the number of “old timers” and return to younger players.
3. Working agreements between Pacific Coast League teams and the WIL.
4. Elimination of “bonus” payments to veterans of PCL and other “old timers.”
5. Return to the 60-40 split of gate receipts between host and visiting clubs, respectively.
6. Operation of the league without Edmonton and possibly Vancouver next season.
During the discussion on club finances, which appeared gloomy for the second-half champions, McMonigle said he thought each of the surviving WIL clubs would lose at least $20,000 for the 1954 season.
In addition, the directors passed a motion opposing play with Edmonton in 1955,
During the discussion on club finances, which appeared gloomy for the second-half champions, McMonigle said he thought each of the surviving WIL clubs would lose at least $20,000 for the 1954 season.
J. Harry Hughes, one of the Lewiston directors, said he feels Edmonton is just too far from other League teams.
“The people up there are wonderful and we love to play there, but there is a big physical and financial strain involved in the long trip,” he said.
“And then there’s no Sunday baseball in Canadian cities and it makes it very difficult to draw up a balanced schedule.
Hughes said “the same thing applies to a lesser degree” in Vancouver.
“Our position there is contingent on just how those folks feel about it,” he said. “I heard they may have their sights set a little higher perhaps with a few to some future changes in the Coast League.”
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EDMONTON, Sept. 17—The resolution passed by Lewiston Broncs aimed at excluding Edmonton and Vancouver from the Western International Baseball League is “thinking of the Lewiston baseball club only,” Edmonton manager John Ducey said Friday.
The resolution “will have no bearing on the future of the WIL, which will be decided at a meeting of the directors in Seattle Sept. 26,” Mr. Ducey said.

Tri-City Not For Caps
KENNEWICK, Sept. 20—The owners of the Tri-City Braves of the Western International League decided Monday night to push at a league meeting in Seattle Sunday for dropping Vancouver and Edmonton from the league next year.
Harold Matheson, president of the board of the Tri-City Athletic Club, owners of the Braves, said the distance factor was the primary consideration in the Braves’ decision to ask for the elimination of the Eskimos.
In Vancouver’s case, he said it was his feeling that the Capilanos would drop out of their own volition. He gave no reasons but there have been indications the Braves feel Vancouver wants to be a member of the Pacific Coast League or nothing.
Matheson also said he will plug for the following things at the Seattle meeting:
Continuance of the WIL as a Class A loop.
A 60-40 gate receipt split instead of the present method whereby the home team takes all.
A 16-player limit for each team with no more than eight veterans to a squad.
Matheson said the association decided to field a team if at all possible next year, depending on action taken by the league.
The Braves, Matheson said, were near the financial break-even point as of Sept. 15.

From Our Tower

[Vancouver Sun, Sept. 22, 1954]
LEWISTON BRONCS and Tri-City Braves favour booting Vancouver Caps out of the ailing Western International Baseball League. They completely disregard history which records Vancouver as a charter member of the WIL and the league’s strongest centre in years of crisis. The WIL disregarding the Caps in these troubling times is like cutting out your heart because you have ulcers.

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