Saturday, 26 July 2008

What’s in Store for ’54 for Tyees?

By Jim Tang

[Victoria Colonist, Dec. 13, 1954]
Arthur Cox and Reg Patterson, president and business manager, respectively, of the Victoria Tyees, arrived home last night after attending the minor league convention at Atlanta. And while the Tyees made no news at the baseball gathering, they did start the wheels turning for next season.
There was no announcement about the 1954 manager but it appears more and more as if Cec Garriott won’t be back for a third term. Cox and Patterson had a talk with Garriott on the return trip and while he was offered a contract, he’s not likely to accept the club terms. Nor is the club likely to accept his salary demands.
Several names were mentioned in connection with the managerial post, chief among them being that of Hub Kittle, colorful veteran who played in the WIL with Yakima and Bremerton. Kittle has been managing for the past four seasons, and his record is a fine one—three pennants.
Also mentioned were Herman Reich, Portland outfielder, and Walt Novick and Julian Morgan, both of whom applied for the Victoria job. Novick, a catcher, wound up as a playing manager at Yakima this year, and Morgan, who once pitched for Tacoma, has been managing for the past several seasons. A decision may be reached at a directors’ meeting this week.
The Tyees had nothing definite to announce of player changes but they are bargaining for two players, one a well-known WIL outfielder who would certainly be a welcome addition. The other is Ike Jackson, a colored catcher who hit 32 home runs and led the class “C” Longhorn League in hitting for Carlsbad with a thumping .388 average.
Patterson would have liked to have obtained the contracts of southpaw Art Worth and outfielder Dick Greco but the Tyees couldn’t see their way clear to meet the purchase prices, said to be $3,000 and $5,000 respectively.
But the Tyees received word from Ben Lorino that he is anxious to resume a regular role next season. They also expect to get outfielder Marv Diercks from Portland as well as two young stars, one of them a shortstop who is rated so highly he will get a Coast League chance first. Pitcher Bob Drilling is pitching in the Mexican League and is counted on for improved service. Catcher Milt Martin will get another chance with Portland but there was nothing definite on Don Pries. It is almost certain that the hustling infielder, who would like to go to another club, will be traded or sold before the season opens.Vancouver and Edmonton, among other clubs, are interested.
Oh, yes. The Tyees will almost certainly do their spring training at Royal Athletic Park next April.
Random Harvest
The Tyees will operate their own concessions next year … Spokane Indians, expecting to get a full team from the Philadelphia Phillies, sold all their players except outfielder Eddie Murphy … Hub Kittle, who could turn out to be a colorful manager here, was fired the other day after his Hermosillo club lost three games in a row in the Mexican League. Taking over was none other than Ron Smith, the veteran righthander who is best remembered here for going all the way in losing a 23-inning, 1-0 decision to Salem.

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